ICOLD Technical Committees
ICOLD Technical Committee Workshops, Sunday June 11
On Sunday June 11 the ICOLD technical committee’s will hold workshops. The aim of the workshops is to disseminate results from recently finalized Bulletins or to present and discuss the content when starting the work with a new Bulletin.
There will be parallel sessions of 2h workshops at 8:00-10:00, 10:30-12:30 and 13:30-15:30. The workshops are open for all delegates and no pre-registration is necessary.
Detailed schedule of workshops:
- Sunday June 11
8:00-10:00 - Room: G1
Committee E: Dissemination WS:
New Bulletin on Concrete Face Rockfill Dams
- Room: H1
Committee M: Dissemination/information exchange WS:
Inspection and Construction with Reservoir in Service
- Room: J1
Committee LE: Dissemination WS:
Dams-Levees comparison – Presentation of the TC bulletin – Presentation of a position paper on Levees
- Room: R22+23
Committee L: Start-up and sharing of current information WS:
World Register of Tailings Storage Facilities.
(4 h workshop to present the comprehensive update on the global initiative by sharing the scope, progress to date, key insights, and current challenges and gaps. The workshop will involve interactive discussions on how to proceed in achieving the set objectives, including potential collaboration/coordination with other agencies and future integration of data with the ICOLD World
- Room: J2
Committee I: Dissemination WS:
Public Safety Around Dams – Principles and Managed System
- Room: R14
Committee HWS:
Sharing of experiences WS: Lessons Learnt from Under Operation Historical Dams for Extending the Service Life of Existing Dams
- Sunday June 11
10:30-12:30 - Room: G1
Committee P: Dissemination WS:
Rockfill Concrete dams (RFC) : Presentation of the new bulletin
- Room: H1
Committee S: Dissemination WS:
Flood Risk Assessment and Dam Safety. Dissemination of result and discussion on potential future bulletin.
- Room: J1
Committee LE: Exchange of information WS:
Workshop for exchange of technical and scientific information on levees between countries (members/non members)
- Room: R22+23
Committee L: Continued
- Room: J2
Committee I: Start-up WS:
Emergency Management for Dam Safety
- Room: R14
Committee HWS:
Sharing of experiences WS: Lessons Learnt from Under Operation Historical Dams for Extending the Service Life of Existing Dams
- Sunday June 11
13:30-15:30 - Room: G1
Committee A: Dissemination WS:
Presentation of Bulletins in progress on “Capitalization of the results of the Benchmark Workshops held by the Committee A”
- Room: H1
Committee H: Dissemination WS:
New Bulletin on Dam Breach Flood Consequence Assessment
- Room: J1
Committee Y: Dissemination WS:
Climate Change: Risks and opportunities for dams and reservoirs
- Room: R22+23
Committee B: Start-up WS:
Seismic aspects of safety-critical electro-mechanical and hydro-mechanical equipment
- Room: J2
Committee E: Dissemination WS:
New Bulletin on Geotextiles in Dams
- Room: R14
Committee K: Dissemination WS:
Application of Online Monitoring Technology in the Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs