Press Conference

Press Conference Tuesday 13 June, approx. 09.45

In connection to the opening of the Symposium “Management for Safe Dams” there will be a press conference. The meeting with the press will take place directly after the opening speeches and the panel discussion. Approximate time is 10 am at the Svenska Massan venue. Press accreditations can be obtained through the event organizer, Meetx.

The press meeting will give a chance to talk to representatives of the board of ICOLD, as well as the participating panelists. These are:

Lotta Medelius-Bredhe, General Director of Swedish Grid (National Dam Safety Regulator)

Maria Sunér, Svemin (Industry Organization for the Mining Industry)

Torbjörn, Wahlborg, Senio Vice President Generation, Vattenfall

Michael Lemström, Head of Hydro Generation, Fortum

Jenny Gotthardsson, General Manager, Boliden

The press conference will take place in room J2


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